„Connection is why we are here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives."       ~ Brené Brown

treat yourself One Day Retreat

with Lonneke & Lydia on international women's day

When: new date to be announced soon

Where: De Yurt, Dijkgraafweg 14, Hazerswoude

Price: 169€

On this beautiful one day retreat Lonneke and I are combining our passions for Yoga, Sound & Breathwork to guide you to your deeper inner peace within.  We will open with tea, healthy snacks and a sharing circle. We will connect to our bodies with gentle yoga, meditation and breathing practices to  feel whatever is arising and to be present in that very moment.  During the practice you will be nourished by healing sounds. We will connect to the wonderful nature we are surrounded with and being nourished by an ayurvedic lunch. In the afternoon we will guide you through a conscious connected breath work session. By using the breath consciously, you can heal on a physical, mental and emotional level. Conscious connected breathing is moving the energy within you and therefor allows you to dive deep into yourself, to connect to your emotions on a deeper level and to open up spiritually. After the breath work you are integrating what you experienced while being guided through a healing sound bath with beautiful Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Connecting to your beautiful true nature. Listening to the sound of Alchemy Crystal singing bowls allows you to relax your body and to quiet your mind. During the sound healing you can enter the Theta brainwave state - a deep meditative state where creativity is boosted and healing happens.

After a delicious cake you will go home relaxed, recharged and full of love for yourself. 

If you like to check out the beautiful place where we will gather click here

If you like to book click here

Or Drop me a message to register or to receive more details.

Click here to read a review of Noëlle from beyond prikkels who joined our One Day Retreat in October 2023.